Covid Safety Plan – Participant/Operational Guidelines
Covid Safety Plan – Participant/Operational Guidelines
ViaSport Return to Sport Guidelines for BC:
BCCDC Covid-19 Resources:
Government of Canada COVID-19 Resources:
Interior Health:
To ensure a safe playing environment for all, players, coaches, organizers and parents exhibiting any of the following symptoms will not be allowed to participate in any manner for games or visit the fields.
Generalized Symptoms:
• Fever or chills
• Cough (new or worsening)
• Shortness of Breath (new or worsening)
• Pneumonia
• Upper respiratory tract infection (ex. Rhinorrhea, sore throat)
Mild Respiratory and/or Gastrointestinal Symptoms:
• Sore throat / painful swallowing
• Mild to moderate shortness of breath
• Stuffy or runny nose
• Loss of sense of smell
• Headache, muscle aches, fatigue or loss of appetite for 2 days or longer
• Gastrointestinal symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea
*Some of the below have changed and we will follow present Health guideline rules. *
Players, coaches, and parents will not be allowed to participate in any manner for practice/games or visit the fields if they have experienced any of the following:
• travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days; – Now if vaccinated, allowed
• instructed in the last 14 days to self isolate;
• cared or had close contact with a person with COVID 19 (Coronavirus) probable or confirmed;
• member of household has been sick in the past 14 days;
• tested for COVID-19 and results are pending;
• work in any setting where cases of COVID 19 (Coronavirus) have been diagnosed or an outbreak declared. REMINDER: All participants are to continue to abide by governing body and local government rules regarding any current COVID restrictions in place. Selected reminders about modification in Phase 3
• Verbal symptom screening will be performed at check in and then parents are required to self assess on the return the field for every session to ensure players are symptom free (if they leave premises or go to home with parents at night.
• Players are required to have their own pocket size personal hand sanitizer with them at all events. Hand sanitizing will take place after every break in the action. We will also have hand sanitizer available in the arena as well.
o Hydration and water stations – Let’s not forget that the likeliness of dehydrating is high in the summer heat of the Okanagan. Players/Parents, make sure you come to camp hydrated and bring a Water Bottle with you. We will take a number of water breaks through the sessions and designate a coach at each water station to ensure proper dispensing of water into containers. Players will not be allowed to participate without a water bottle.
See the viaSport Guidelines for all the requirements of this phase.
The following guidelines and recommendations are provided for organizations, local associations and clubs and are suggested to be considered and incorporated in every phase of Return to Play
Early detection of symptoms will facilitate the immediate implementation of effective control measures. In addition, the early detection and immediate implementation of enhanced cleaning measures are two of the most important factors in limiting the size and length of an outbreak. An “outbreak” is two or more cases; a “case” is a single case of COVID-19.
1. Identify the roles and responsibilities of staff or volunteers if a case or outbreak is reported. Determine who within the organization has the authority to modify, restrict, postpone or cancel activities.
2. If contracted staff (including volunteers) or a participant reports they are suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 and have been at the workplace/activity place, implement enhanced cleaning measures to reduce risk of transmission. If you are not the facility operator, notify the facility right away.
3. Implement illness policy and advise individuals to:
• self-isolate
• monitor their symptoms daily, report respiratory illness and not to return to activity for at least 10 days following the onset of fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite.
• use the COVID-19 self-assessment tool at BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool to help determine if further assessment or testing for COVID-19 is needed.
o Individuals can contact 8-1-1 if further health advice is required and 9-1-1 if it is an emergency.
o Individuals can learn more about how to manage their illness here:
4. In the event of a suspected case or outbreak of influenza-like-illness, we will immediately report and discuss the suspected outbreak with the Medical Health Officer (or delegate)
at your local health authority. Implement your Illness Policy and your enhanced measures.
5. If we are contacted by a medical health officer in the course of contact tracing, we will cooperate with local health authorities.
More information on cleaning and disinfecting: Site/Documents/CleaningDisinfecting_PublicSettings.pdf
Regional Health Authorities: system/partners/health-authorities/regional-health-authorities
The Big League Experience baseball Camp aims to provide as much information to our players, coaches and parents about COVID-19 coronavirus. Health and safety measures can change without notice. It is important to note that the Guidelines are not a legal document and is to be used as a guide only. It is not a substitute for actual legislation or orders of the PHO. In the event of an ambiguity or conflict between the Guidelines and the Public Health Act, regulations or orders thereunder, the Act, regulations and orders prevail. Big League Experience ltd will comply with requirements of our local government, the Parks and Recreation department of Oliver and health officials in terms of public gatherings and sporting events. Big League Experience ltd. shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind arising directly or indirectly from the use of the Guidelines including, without limitation, reliance on the completeness or accuracy of the information provided.