Colin is presently in the Philidelphia Phillies organization
As a result of attending your PNC evaluation camp, Colin was invited to attend not only the PNC Showcase but the Arizona Fall Classic. As well he was invited to attend the Perfect Game, World Wood Bat Showcase in Florida. I … Continue reading

New found confidence in himself
Just a quick note to say that son Thomas had a tremendous time at your Young Gun’s Camp. He made lots of new friends and can’t wait to come back next summer. PS- his new found confidence in himself and … Continue reading

“Austin had a fantastic experience……..”
I just wanted to thank all of you for hosting such a great baseball camp/tournament! Austin had a fantastic experience, and feels like he enhanced his skills and learned much more. He is definitely excited to return next year wherever … Continue reading

“very professionally run……”
I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how much Tom enjoyed your baseball camps this summer. Hats off to you on how well you operate your program in Oliver! Both the Future’s and Prospect’s camps … Continue reading

Camp is extremely well ran and your coach selection is always top notch
Most of the players finally got back from Oliver. I just wanted to thank you and the excellent coaches for a great experience last week and weekend. The players were definitely tired but they will remember that week forever! The … Continue reading

Providing a great learning experience
On behalf of Sandy and myself, thank you for hosting the camp and providing a great learning experience. I know we’ll be back next summer (unless Dunbar LL goes to the Canadians!).If you have other programs, let us know. Do … Continue reading

Very impressed with the structure and coaching styles
Thank you so much for a great week of training for Austin, the cost of the camp exceeded his brother’s and sister’s put together but every single penny was well worth it. I was very impressed with the structure and … Continue reading

Alek is having a blast and learning a lot
This is the first time my son Alek has been away from home and so far away from home. I have not heard from him since he left home Sunday evening. Amazing!!! I heard from another parent that Alek is … Continue reading