2016 Big League Experience Camp Survey
Special thanks to all players and parents who took the time to participate in our 2016 Big League Experience “Camp Survey”. Hearing from you is critical to the continued success of our camps so we do appreciate your help.
The positive comments were overwhelming and great to hear. The Big League Experience camps strive to help all levels of campers improve their baseball skills, their athleticism and their social skills and based on your feedback most of you were pleased with that component of camp.
On the constructive side, the single greatest comment coming back to us was FOOD! FOOD! FOOD! So based on your feedback, for 2016, we will make sure that afternoon and evening snacks are available. In addition to the snacks the concession will also offer nutritional options for interested campers.
The second greatest concern dealt with the difficult task of assigning campers to teams and having camp teams that are balanced! This year we had a couple of requests to accommodate groups of friends which resulted in some imbalance between teams. For 2017, we will continue to do player evaluations on the first night of camp however we will now limit friend requests to “team up with one “. Marty believes that meeting new team mates is an important part of the social building aspect of the camp and it will help reduce an additional chance of team imbalance. Also for 2017, should the situation arise that there is a team imbalance at camp, we will do our best to balance them by making trades between teams.
On a closing note, kudoos! to all the 2016 guest coaches, coaches and counselors, who by far got the most positive comments of any of the questions on the survey. Continue to watch the Big League Experience website for announcements of special guest coaches for our 2017 camps.
CONGRATULATIONS to the following winners of our 2016 BLE Survey Contest:
Both winners will receive a $250 credit to their 2017 Big League Experience Summer Baseball Camp fees!